Our Mission


Similar is NOT the same

Governments across Canada are forcing patients with serious medical conditions to switch their medication to one that is similar but not the same, putting patients’ health and safety at risk. Find and write to your MPP/MLA and let them know you believe no patient should be forced to switch.

Email your provincial representative

News & Events

Pharmacare and Specialty Drugs Survey

October 8, 2020

This survey is being conducted to learn from Canadians their experiences accessing specialty drugs. In addition, we are asking opinions about how specialty drugs should be available in a National Pharmacare program. This feedback is very important and timely.

Alberta delays Biosimilars forced switching until January 2021 because of COVID-19. Never would be better but at least takes stress off patients and clinicians during this really challenging time.

April 6, 2020

On December 12, 2019, the Alberta government introduced the Alberta Biosimilar Initiative. This communication is to inform you the switching requirement of the Biosimilar Initiative.